What Are the Restrictions After Dental Implant Surgery?

What Are the Restrictions After Dental Implant Surgery?

August 1, 2023
Aftercare recovery after an implant is essential. It can trigger the success of your surgery. The recovery after a dental implant is usually 1 to 2 days. But if the dentist has performed multiple implants or put bone grafts, the timeline may take longer. Generally, recovery time is 1 to 2 weeks in most cases. Since your mouth is sensitive after the procedure, the dentist might recommend a specific oral hygiene routine and other instructions to follow while your implant area is healing.

What You Cannot Do After Dental implants Tallahassee?

Below are the precautionary steps you must follow after surgery for effective and fast healing.

Adjust Your Exercising Routine

For a while, avoid exercising or doing heavy activity. Doing this raises your blood flow and can make the surgical area bleed. Thus, before you decide to head to the gym, take proper bed rest. As soon as you feel well enough, you can resume light activities.

Avoid Smoking

Another restriction that the dentist in Tallahassee recommends is to avoid smoking. It will expose the surgical site to bacteria and pain. It also makes the patient more prone to post-surgical infections. Smoking and tobacco use also affect your body’s potential to fight and heal infections. Also, smoking after getting dental implants near you results in peri-implantitis (that causes implant failure). Remember, the overall implant success depends on the procedure known as osseointegration.

Avoid Removing the Gauze Pack on an Immediate Basis

A little bit of bleeding at the surgical site is normal and may remain for several hours. Don’t get rid of the gauze pack in your mouth immediately after the procedure. It’s because touching them for at least the first few hours could make the area bleed.

Avoid Using Any Machine or Driving

Since the doctor uses a sleeping sedative after the implant surgery, don’t use heavy machinery or drive for the first few days. It’s worth making some arrangements for your drive home.

Be Careful About the Things You Eat

The dentist recommends eating after one hour after the completion of the implant procedure. Strictly refrain from extra cold/ hot beverages and foods. Prefer soft food varieties and if you are drinking something. Avoid drinking carbonated drinks because they can irritate the surgical area. Also, do not chew directly on the implanted area. You can return to your standard diet as soon as you feel okay.

Do Not Quit Taking Medicines Halfway

It is vital to take narcotic pain medicine in a scheduled manner for the initial 24 hours or so. The doctor may also suggest antibiotics. Make sure you continue till the bottle is empty. Call your doctor immediately if you experience serious diarrhea or nausea and are not in a position to swallow your medicine. Do the same if you experience a reaction to the medication.

Do Not Neglect Your Dental Hygiene

After receiving an implant surgery, you can wash your mouth gently after one day. Use warm salt water for this. The dentist will also recommend brushing as normal, but avoid the area surrounding the surgery.

Don’t Use Your Pearly Whites for Cutting Anything

Do you cut the packaging of a bottle using your teeth? Do you have a habit of opening bottle cans with it? If so, avoid doing this after your implants.

Avoid Using Toothpaste Labeled as Teeth Brightening or Whitening

Do not use pastes marked as teeth whitening. Toothpaste that includes activated charcoal or baking soda as an ingredient is too harsh for your restoration.

Avoid Blowing Your Nose

If you have affordable dental implants near you in your upper back teeth or have a sinus lift, do not blow your nose for a minimum of two weeks. Furthermore, try to sneeze via your mouth, avoid swimming for two weeks and avoid flying.

When to Call Dr. Chinara Garraway?

Get immediate help from the dentist at Blissful Dental Spa – Tallahassee if you notice the following dental implant complications.
  • Loose implants.
  • Constant redness or swelling near the dental implant or area nearby.
  • Painful biting or difficulty in chewing food.
  • Food bits wedged between the teeth that fail to come out with brushing.
If you have extra questions about what not to do after implant surgery, contact our doctor at Blissful Dental Spa – Tallahassee today.