Although most commonly known for use in plastic surgery by cosmetic dermatologists, dermal fillers are also a great choice for anyone seeking a smile enhancement while in the dentist’s chair.
Comprised of either natural or synthetic materials, dermal fillers can be injected around certain areas of the face to plump up its appearance to a more youthful esthetic. They are used to:
Because of the uses around the mouth and nose, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that visiting a cosmetic dentist in Tallahassee, FL like Blissful Dental Spa makes perfect when seeking this type of cosmetic enhancement to show off an improved smile.
One of the things that our patients love most about dermal fillers is that there is virtually no downtime to them to achieve amazing results. The dermal filler treatment typically takes between 30 and 60 minutes, which makes it an ideal solution for busy adults looking for a quick fix on their lunch hour. Also, it should be noted that most dermal fillers contain an anesthetic to ensure that your treatment is as pain-free as possible.
Because this area of cosmetic dentistry is evolving at such a rapid rate, there are new and improved materials being introduced in the application of dermal fillers on a regular basis. At present, most dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which is a hydrating substance to help restore the structure and contours of your skin. However, because of the rapid introduction of improved products, the type of dermal filler that will be used for your unique esthetic will be discussed at the time of your consultation. If you’d like to learn which products Blissful Dental Spa currently uses in our practice, we invite you to call our dental care team today.