Night Guards in Tallahassee, FL

Night Guards in Tallahassee, FL

At Blissful Dental Spa, we provide our patients with many services, including night guard. Whether you’re starting a new sport, you grind your teeth, or you found out that you are suffering from TMJ, a customized night guard near you can help! Here’s everything our dentist in Tallahassee, FL believes you should know about this dental tool.

Should I Get a Night Guard?

If you’re wondering if a night guard is right for you, make an appointment with a professional before trying any over-the-counter options. Having concerns about your dental health is reason enough to make an appointment.

By visiting with our dentist near you, we’ll be able to determine if a night guard is the best tool for your specific circumstances. Making the deliberate effort to wear your night guard regularly is essential to maintaining the strength of your enamel and the confidence in your smile!

Sleeping With a Night Guard

You might be apprehensive about the feeling of sleeping with a plastic night guard. There’s no denying that it can be slightly uncomfortable at first. We ask that you be patient and attempt to wear the night guard each night for a month.

It takes around 21 days to make a habit. Before you know it, you won’t even notice that you’re wearing a night guard. If you’ve tried wearing your nightguard, but it’s too uncomfortable or doesn’t fit properly, please call Blissful Dental Spa. We’ll find out what the issue is and provide a solution to get you the comfort and relief you need.

How Does Blissful Dental Spa Make Night Guards?

You will need two visits to our dentist near you at Blissful Dental Spa for a custom-made night guard. They’ll capture imprints of your teeth and create a model, which they will send to a lab to make into a personalized night guard.

Your next visit will be to verify that your night guard fits comfortably and securely after it arrives from the lab. Afterward, our dentist in Tallahassee, FL will polish away any rough spots and make any required modifications to give you the correct size and shape.

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